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发表于 2014-10-14 14:50:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* w- s9 b. @3 j+ w$ V/ G6 f7 ^
4 ~" v$ y' U' n4 {6 }- LHow one mother'sgrief led to greening China's deserts (一个母亲的悲伤是怎样使中国的沙漠变绿的)1 G4 R3 \6 B1 E- y. x. l6 {5 t4 R
. G* C) ^: G' A- ?0 ?

# e. Y0 M+ D* {
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By[1]  Sophie Brown,for CNN6 F* S; }* B" T# N1 v4 Z
October 10, 2014 --Updated 0519 GMT (1319 HKT)
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4 T- K* `! n; { ( K. F7 K$ u3 |+ [) v
Holding back the desert 遏制沙漠化" E$ L; n1 g- z2 _$ H! J$ B
/ v4 z9 E! t( p. k

* Y7 _! z5 C6 F8 R6 w      7 t8 Z7 p, k5 N/ T" V" X* s
! Z' t# V. J* z& N+ E; t. _: I            + Z0 l  a# J* }- {# k: u1 V$ |* z
Gree STORY nLife is a project to reforest desert areas of China (绿色生命是个在中国的沙漠区域重新造林项目)$ U, o+ {: X$ C8 K
: c( k2 e8 [2 Q& o  r, s
    Initiative came about through tragic death of foundersson( 它起源与创建人儿子令人悲痛的离世)
* a; x; A  g$ b# N: s
# C- V: \: U. v& Y& U- Z   Non-profit has planted over 1 million trees over 11 years (该非营利性组织已在11年种下了一百多万课树
) s; L1 o' e2 }: n# ?+ q4 o ! O  x' \2 |9 O' |: J9 [

4 X  b) f1 J& Y; H4 Q  A8 w7 O(CNN) -- Each year YiJiefeng does what she can to stop China turning into a desert.每一年易解放尽她所能去阻止中国变成沙漠
) Y: `/ R$ _7 f0 V7 Q3 ^0 g; V6 o % o0 e* Q. v  ~0 P( T9 m7 v
For the last 12years the native of Shanghai has plantedsaplings in Inner Mongolia trying to reforestthe region, but also to keep the memory of her dead son alive. (在过去的12年里,这个上海人一直在内蒙古种幼树,试图在这个区域重新造林,也是为了纪念她逝去的儿子。
& ]: E. f9 F' i; X 4 L4 ]6 @% K5 G+ ]/ L) I
In 2000, Yi's onlyson was killed in a traffic accident in Japan. 2000易唯一的儿子在日本因交通事故去世了) I3 b! g4 \& ?. \
6 ?& h4 ~/ U0 `" r1 g  R
Yi almost succumbedto grief, but instead decided to devote her life to living out her son's dreamof planting trees in the deserts of Inner Mongolia. (易几乎被悲伤所压垮。然而她决定用自己的生命去实现儿子在内蒙古种树的梦想)
/ o  K, y; o" ]" O& f- B
% T  z1 C: }2 s" R4 Q. ~! \+ {"He was fondof nature since he was a little boy," Yi said of her son, Yang Ruizhe. 他从小就喜欢自然 她这样说她的儿子杨睿哲)
3 |  I! S, \4 @% \2 X ' v  c' T$ T' R. t3 E& q
"He wasconcerned about natural things such as wind, rain, plants, and animals. 他对大自然的事情很关心, 象风啊,雨啊,植物啊,和动物啊3 x/ ?8 H6 f: K. l+ L
1 `- h/ T* \$ [( a; S6 r
Through thenon-profit organization Green Life, the project has changed from being atribute to her child to a campaign to raise awareness of the land degradationthat is rapidly turning China'sgrasslands into barren plains.通过绿色生命这个非营利性组织这个项目已经从对一个孩子的纪念转变成了一场提升人们对土地退化意识的战役。土地地退化正在迅速地将中国的草原变成光秃地平原)
" Q4 i/ {( W0 o6 ?) T
2 s. J+ t( u8 w9 j1 N% _# O8 D 4 \* d) \+ v! p! W
After the tragicaccident Yi used the insurance money from Ruizhe's death -- 30 million Japaneseyen -- to set up Green Life in 2003. It wasn't easy at first, said Yi, but inthe past 11 years the group has planted more than one million trees. (在悲剧发生之后,易用睿哲的死亡保险金 三千万日元 2003年成立了绿色生命组织。 一开始并不容易 易说,但是在过去地11年间,我们已经种植了一百多万棵树' e3 h* Q  O# j% `
  V. M6 q" V( U. M' `
"In thebeginning, I did this charity as a mother who wanted to realize her son'sdream," said Yi. "But later I realized that China has areally serious desertification problem ... If the situation keeps gettingworse, how can 1.3 billion Chinese people possibly survive? So we felt a senseof social responsibility. 一开始我是作为一个要为儿子实现梦想的妈妈在做慈善 易说 但后来我意识到中国正面临着严重到沙漠化问题。如果这个情况越来越严重到话,十三亿中国人该怎么生存?所以我们感受到了社会责任感( v3 o- O1 z$ X  I, b
0 C, N0 n% {0 m
Almost a quarter ofChina,an enormous 2.6 million square kilometers across 18 provinces, is classified as desert. Inthe autonomous region of Inner Mongolia alone, sandy plains accounts for anarea greater than the size of Germany. (几乎占了中国面积四分之一,横跨了十八个省的二百六十万平方公里的大量土地被列入了沙漠地区。仅内蒙古自治区一个地方,沙化的平原就比整个德国的领土还要大。+ Y: I/ X) ]0 ?, T2 p
0 A" y0 g, v" v3 n, M
Overgrazing,population growth, logging and droughts are largely responsible, according toresearchers. (研究表明过度放牧,人口的增长, 伐木和旱灾是造成此情的主要原因。
% V7 `6 u* g, q  E 6 Z6 l' O8 u7 l! U- p
One of the biggestchallenges for Yi has been fundraising. She and her husband have invested mostof their life's savings in the project and sold two houses to keep theinitiative going. (对易来说,最大对挑战是筹款。她和她丈夫一生积蓄的大部分都投入了该项目,并在项目启动初期卖掉了两处房屋。/ m: y: n6 x, `- |' I" _

9 f! V; |1 R0 [& C"Because wehave limited funds, we can only afford a small operation team while there is alot to do," said Yi. "I'm 66 years old now. But I have only anaverage of three to four hours of sleep every day. Sometimes I don't even havethis amount of sleep. It's all for saving money for the project. 因为资金有限,我们只能小规模运作, 而实际上有很多的事情等着要做 易说。我现在已经66岁了。但我每天平均只能睡三到四小时的觉。有时连三四小时也睡不到。都是为了替项目省钱。
9 I( t1 s5 p$ i% O7 h
2 ~2 t5 \8 F  q3 b$ p8 U6 L8 aYi and her husbandbegan their endeavor with little knowledge of agriculture and their firstplanting season was not a success: rainfall that year was less than 200mm and the saplings were blown over bystrong winds and the shifting sands. (易和她的丈夫开始这项事业时, 对农业知识了解很少,所以第一年的植树并不成功。那年的降雨还不到200毫升;幼树被强风和移动的沙给吹倒了)
8 H# c' A. e' p8 U
; A) b# v% L: z. v: C, l" q/ I- L   O: C; ~8 R$ R# q4 s" k6 j
But after seekinghelp from local forestry specialists in the second year many saplings took rootin the harsh landscape. (但是第二年在寻求当地的林业专家的帮助之后,许多幼树在那片严寒的地貌里扎下了根)- z( I4 r; }5 \1 c" t7 q
3 Z$ I% G5 L. u3 @* c6 J  L
"It seemedthat my son's spirits bestowed good fortune on us -- it rained heavily when wefinished," said Yi. "Ever since, we would go and plant trees everyyear, and it rained every time. This made the survival rate stay above 85% eventill now. 看上去好像我儿子的神魂在给予我们好运气 -我们完成后下了大雨。 易说。从那以后我们每年都去那儿种树,而且每一次都下了雨。这使得我们的成活率从那时到现在一直保持在85%左右。, ?+ A/ j% b. J' C
) {7 ?7 E  z2 l
Since 2008, therehas been an increase in volunteers and donors, which Yi says gives her and herhusband strength and enables the project to keep running. (自2008年以来,志愿者和捐助者的队伍一直在增长。易说这给了她和她丈夫力量,也使得这个项目能一直做下去。
$ |- s5 C1 e. p. T; x
9 s2 ]" @! O9 k9 L! G; n# W  KAmong them are anumber of parents who lost their own children, including one mother who losther college-aged daughter to cancer, and another mother whose son committedsuicide. (在这些人中,有一些也是失去了自己孩子的父母。有一个母亲,她读大学的女儿被癌症夺去了生命。还有一位母亲,她的儿子自杀了。)0 y4 }# I8 w! z" p9 l+ ~2 k4 a
' H5 @) u. D, Q5 W6 d7 w" A8 d
"It is easy tobreak a chopstick, but they become unbreakable when we put all of themtogether," said Yi. 折断一根筷子很容易,但当它们成为一把筷子时就无法折断, 易说。
  C- ?5 ?( `, K, n6 |7 T
! ~( O# {3 d0 G% n1 U) o"Everyoneon the planet has his or her own weaknesses, but with one complementing theother, we will eventually get a big force. Environmental problems especiallyneed this kind of power from people with benevolence. (这个星球上每个人都有自己的弱点,但是当每个人都去补足其他人的时候,我们最终会形成一个庞大的力量。解决环境问题尤其需要这样一股由善心人士组成的力量。)   王维佳  翻译

+ m4 e% E% l% b" P* p2 O9 |+ Uhttp://edition.cnn.com/2014/10/1 ... dex.html?hpt=hp_mid

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